Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

yes, tatoos don't affect the growth of hairs in the follicles.

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

yup hair still grows even after the skin is tattooed

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

The tattoo doesn't do anything to your hair follicles, so yes your hair will grow. (Think hairy guy covered in tattoos, LOL).

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

Its depend on what types of tatoo do you have.

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

no you cannot, my uncle is bald and he has a tatto of a dragon on his head!

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

Sure can!

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

Yip the hair will grow normally over the tattoo. I think that is kinda cool because you can get a tattoo on your head and when you are tired of it you just grow your hair again. Cool?

How do you grow hair faster?

i use vitamins, theyr only 10 to 15 dollars at any nutrition Depot, its called Hair, Skin, %26amp; Nails, it makes ur hair and nails grow faster, ive used it for about a month and my hair is really long, i really noticed the difference, and ur skin gets better too, its because it has a lot of biotin in it. which is great.

Buy it, u wont regrett it.!

How do you grow hair faster?

clean in

How do you grow hair faster?

if you cut it it grows faster!

How do you grow hair faster?

Anything with biotin in it

How do you grow hair faster?

They actually make hair and nail vitamins to help your hair grow faster - haven't tried them myself. Or you can take prenatal vitamins - I've heard several stories about how those work really well.

How do you grow hair faster?

other than trimming it regularly, theres really nothing you can do. I wish there was though, my hair grows sooo slow!

How do you grow hair faster?


How do you grow hair faster?

Clean it regulary, and trimmed the ends regulary too...

How do you grow hair faster?

I think you always comb your hair better...other than that..u must clean your hair everyday also can take more vitamin food given the hair growth healthy!

How do you grow hair faster?


i've heard that if you watch porn it'll grow faster


but i've never done that before... :]

How do you grow hair faster?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results:

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the pr

my hair at the moment is like

but i want my hair like

how long do you reckon it'll take to grow?

Any foods/drinks i shud take to speed things up?

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I were you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I閳ユ獫e had success with a product called Provillus also.

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

no dirnks or food

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

take prenatal vitamins they help your hair and nails grow

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

hair grows about 1/2 inch per month.

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

trust me you will be glad you don't have hair on your chest one day. it really isn't anything special my girlfriend absolutely HATES it. she makes me shave and wax it. be happy you were blessed my friend

How do I grow hair on my chest?

Unless you get surgery to have hair plugs put into your chest, you'll either grow it or you won't when you get old enough.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

prenatal vitamins

How do I grow hair on my chest?

You mature.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

Eww. Girls don't like hairy chests or hairy backs or hairy.. anything. Don't even bother. Seriously.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

its genetics - nothing you can do.

P.S. Reminds me of a lame joke one of my prof awhile back.

Do you know diarrhea is hereditary?

It runs in your genes.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

1-hold a hair dryer and turn it on and shove your hand with the har dryer in it in a tub of water

2- if you dont die then grab a lemon and shove it up your a** and if you dont blow up well then.....uhhh.....STEWIE FOR GOVNA!

How do I grow hair on my chest?

They will come of their own free will when they get around to it.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

How about the flower food called ''miracle grow''

How do I grow hair on my chest?

shave or trim frequently for a short period of time

How do I grow hair on my chest?

It's genetic, if you're still young, you have to wait until puberty, if both your parents are hairless, you will get little, or no chest hair.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

get some fertilizer on to your chest.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

Nothing can help you there sorry. You are born with the genes you have. some people are hairy and some aren't. How old are you? some guys don't start getting hairy till they are in their 20's.

Look on the bright side, a lot of girls don't like hairy guys and lot of men get waxed to be like you.

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

because it's sexy

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

its just one of those things we all as humans have to deal with

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?


Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

If a female has hair normally found in places that a male has it,it is called 'hirsutism'.The link below will explain more about this condition:

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Hormones, lack of estrogen or over abundance of testosterone.

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Actually the body is covered with hair. Tiny, Thin hair everywhere and the thick hair like on your arms, legs, head. Come on you have had to know this stuff

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Polycystic ovaries are usually he cause of this particular lovely treat...a simple drug test can be done and usually birth control pills take care of it..

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

It's not unusual for women to have small amounts of hair in those areas after pregnancy. The change in hormones can cause it, but it's really no big deal.

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Females do not grow hair on their chest and abdomens. Not sure what women you have been looking at but they sure are not your normal women if they have hair in those places.

Does "Kevis" grow hair?

I have been using kevis for almost a year. I can see lots of new hair growth. The way I understand it is that when you lose your hair, it shrinks over time util it falls out and the folicle goes dormant for max 5-7 years then dies. As long as you can stimulate the folicle by eliminating the dht, then the folicle will start growing back. When it grows back, it is like baby hair. It has to strengthen itself before it thickens. Basically it's a reversal process. I have all kinds of Baby hair (amagen), but I imagine it will take time to thicken up. I shave my head with clippers, so when it gets darker, I will let it grow again.

Does "Kevis" grow hair?

who is kevis

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that

My maltese is 2 months and 2 weeks and hasnt grown its hair yet how old will he have his long hair? and I dont know if its a maltese because its registered as a maltese on Philippines but as i have heard maltese is pure white but this one have a patch on its face black

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

If it is a "pure" maltese it will have ONLY white hair. It is still a puppy and dogs hair growth is like people grows at its own rate. As a general rule, a true maltese that is purely bred should have "full coat" appx by 1 yr.

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

Maltese are all pure white. And dog hair doesn't grow that fast I'd say around 6 months you should see a noticable difference.

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?


How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

maltese should be pure white, so its likely youve been scammed and this dog is a mixed breed...

as for its coat

it takes up to 3 years for the coat to reach full adult leght however 5 inches should be attained around 1 year of age.

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

maltese are all white. no spots or anything or different color just WHITE.

then yours might not be a maltese. it could be a dog mixed with maltese

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

Purebred Maltese are all white although a bit of lemon (beige) on their ears is also acceptable. The black patch on it's face would indicate it is mixed with something else. I have 2 Maltese that will be a year old next month and neither of them have their hair to the floor yet although it has grown quite a bit since they were puppies. Hope this helps. Good luck with your new puppy.