Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

yes, tatoos don't affect the growth of hairs in the follicles.

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

yup hair still grows even after the skin is tattooed

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

The tattoo doesn't do anything to your hair follicles, so yes your hair will grow. (Think hairy guy covered in tattoos, LOL).

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

Its depend on what types of tatoo do you have.

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

no you cannot, my uncle is bald and he has a tatto of a dragon on his head!

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

Sure can!

Can you still grow hair if you have a tatoo on your bald head?

Yip the hair will grow normally over the tattoo. I think that is kinda cool because you can get a tattoo on your head and when you are tired of it you just grow your hair again. Cool?

How do you grow hair faster?

i use vitamins, theyr only 10 to 15 dollars at any nutrition Depot, its called Hair, Skin, %26amp; Nails, it makes ur hair and nails grow faster, ive used it for about a month and my hair is really long, i really noticed the difference, and ur skin gets better too, its because it has a lot of biotin in it. which is great.

Buy it, u wont regrett it.!

How do you grow hair faster?

clean in

How do you grow hair faster?

if you cut it it grows faster!

How do you grow hair faster?

Anything with biotin in it

How do you grow hair faster?

They actually make hair and nail vitamins to help your hair grow faster - haven't tried them myself. Or you can take prenatal vitamins - I've heard several stories about how those work really well.

How do you grow hair faster?

other than trimming it regularly, theres really nothing you can do. I wish there was though, my hair grows sooo slow!

How do you grow hair faster?


How do you grow hair faster?

Clean it regulary, and trimmed the ends regulary too...

How do you grow hair faster?

I think you always comb your hair better...other than that..u must clean your hair everyday also can take more vitamin food given the hair growth healthy!

How do you grow hair faster?


i've heard that if you watch porn it'll grow faster


but i've never done that before... :]

How do you grow hair faster?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results:

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the pr

my hair at the moment is like

but i want my hair like

how long do you reckon it'll take to grow?

Any foods/drinks i shud take to speed things up?

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I were you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I閳ユ獫e had success with a product called Provillus also.

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

no dirnks or food

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

take prenatal vitamins they help your hair and nails grow

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

hair grows about 1/2 inch per month.

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

trust me you will be glad you don't have hair on your chest one day. it really isn't anything special my girlfriend absolutely HATES it. she makes me shave and wax it. be happy you were blessed my friend

How do I grow hair on my chest?

Unless you get surgery to have hair plugs put into your chest, you'll either grow it or you won't when you get old enough.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

prenatal vitamins

How do I grow hair on my chest?

You mature.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

Eww. Girls don't like hairy chests or hairy backs or hairy.. anything. Don't even bother. Seriously.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

its genetics - nothing you can do.

P.S. Reminds me of a lame joke one of my prof awhile back.

Do you know diarrhea is hereditary?

It runs in your genes.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

1-hold a hair dryer and turn it on and shove your hand with the har dryer in it in a tub of water

2- if you dont die then grab a lemon and shove it up your a** and if you dont blow up well then.....uhhh.....STEWIE FOR GOVNA!

How do I grow hair on my chest?

They will come of their own free will when they get around to it.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

How about the flower food called ''miracle grow''

How do I grow hair on my chest?

shave or trim frequently for a short period of time

How do I grow hair on my chest?

It's genetic, if you're still young, you have to wait until puberty, if both your parents are hairless, you will get little, or no chest hair.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

get some fertilizer on to your chest.

How do I grow hair on my chest?

Nothing can help you there sorry. You are born with the genes you have. some people are hairy and some aren't. How old are you? some guys don't start getting hairy till they are in their 20's.

Look on the bright side, a lot of girls don't like hairy guys and lot of men get waxed to be like you.

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

because it's sexy

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

its just one of those things we all as humans have to deal with

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?


Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

If a female has hair normally found in places that a male has it,it is called 'hirsutism'.The link below will explain more about this condition:

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Hormones, lack of estrogen or over abundance of testosterone.

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Actually the body is covered with hair. Tiny, Thin hair everywhere and the thick hair like on your arms, legs, head. Come on you have had to know this stuff

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Polycystic ovaries are usually he cause of this particular lovely treat...a simple drug test can be done and usually birth control pills take care of it..

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

It's not unusual for women to have small amounts of hair in those areas after pregnancy. The change in hormones can cause it, but it's really no big deal.

Why do females grow hair on the chest and belly?

Females do not grow hair on their chest and abdomens. Not sure what women you have been looking at but they sure are not your normal women if they have hair in those places.

Does "Kevis" grow hair?

I have been using kevis for almost a year. I can see lots of new hair growth. The way I understand it is that when you lose your hair, it shrinks over time util it falls out and the folicle goes dormant for max 5-7 years then dies. As long as you can stimulate the folicle by eliminating the dht, then the folicle will start growing back. When it grows back, it is like baby hair. It has to strengthen itself before it thickens. Basically it's a reversal process. I have all kinds of Baby hair (amagen), but I imagine it will take time to thicken up. I shave my head with clippers, so when it gets darker, I will let it grow again.

Does "Kevis" grow hair?

who is kevis

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that

My maltese is 2 months and 2 weeks and hasnt grown its hair yet how old will he have his long hair? and I dont know if its a maltese because its registered as a maltese on Philippines but as i have heard maltese is pure white but this one have a patch on its face black

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

If it is a "pure" maltese it will have ONLY white hair. It is still a puppy and dogs hair growth is like people grows at its own rate. As a general rule, a true maltese that is purely bred should have "full coat" appx by 1 yr.

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

Maltese are all pure white. And dog hair doesn't grow that fast I'd say around 6 months you should see a noticable difference.

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?


How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

maltese should be pure white, so its likely youve been scammed and this dog is a mixed breed...

as for its coat

it takes up to 3 years for the coat to reach full adult leght however 5 inches should be attained around 1 year of age.

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

maltese are all white. no spots or anything or different color just WHITE.

then yours might not be a maltese. it could be a dog mixed with maltese

How long when my maltese grow its hair to 5 inches? hes just two months n and i it hasnt grown that much?

Purebred Maltese are all white although a bit of lemon (beige) on their ears is also acceptable. The black patch on it's face would indicate it is mixed with something else. I have 2 Maltese that will be a year old next month and neither of them have their hair to the floor yet although it has grown quite a bit since they were puppies. Hope this helps. Good luck with your new puppy.

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to

plz tell me cuz i want to learn more about myself. i'm 14 yrs old. am i still going through puberty? when will i stop growing? I'm about 5 7 or taller. what do u think my height will be?

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

Dude. Just chill out. My BF is possibly the hairiest guy on the planet. There is no rush to get hairy - It's not that great! haha! You are still going through puberty and you will eventually get hair under your arms. If you are comparing to someone you know...then stop! Everyone is different and things happen at different times and different stages to everyone!

It will happen eventually!!!

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

You are just going through puberty so it is hard to tell you how tall you will be in 6 years when you will probably end puberty. (Maybe even longer) Also, yes, you will grow hair on your armpits, nuts, face, chest, ect. All you have to do it wait.

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

You are just starting puberty. Usually puberty ends around the age of 20 or 21. Actually by that age you do not anymore call it puberty since you are old enough. However the climax of puberty is around the ages of 16 and 17. Some teens really starts growing fast. Some of my short friends outgrew me at that age.

Hairs on armpit? Depends, I think some does not grow any arm pit hairs. It really depends on your genes or is inherited. Speaking of inherited, I assume your father or mother is a tall person. 5'7 at your age is quite tall. Whatever your father or mothers height is, expect to outgrow them by a few inches or in some cases 5 inches more.

Check this article about American Average Height

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

Well realx and think that you can grow and become more hairy until your even 18 or 19. So hair may go everywhere. It's better if you have less hair though so you don't have to trim it and look like a hairy-back monster dude.

Why cant i grow facial hair?

Im 19 year old male, i grew in all the othe rhair fine when iw as 16 now im 19 about to turn 20 and i dont have any facial hair at all, last month like 3 tiny black hairs came in on my chin but i shaved it off then they never came back, i look like iam a 16 year old but im jus about 20

Why cant i grow facial hair?

consider yourself lucky, shaving sucks

Why cant i grow facial hair?

its probably genetic or your just a slow bloomer dont worry about it, but if your nervous just go see a doctor

Why cant i grow facial hair?

I know 25yos that are just barely getting facial hair(or still dont have any). It is all in genetics(99% of the time). See if anyone else in your family has had something like this(father, grandfather, uncles). If you have good insurance, go see a doctor(no harm in talking to one, but it is most likely perfectly normal)

Why cant i grow facial hair?

i'm 24 and i just started getting facial hair last year

my dad said he didn't get any until he was 29

we are all different, and hence have different genes

Why cant i grow facial hair?

Im 24 and Im just starting to grow a mustach I like it. It takes time and genetics and all that good stuff. Don't be in too much of a hurry i get tired of shaving my beard every couple of days

Why cant i grow facial hair?

just give it time and ull see you have a beared then u gonna be saying i wish i didnt have a beard to shave every week;)

Why cant i grow facial hair?

First off, be aware that a few races out there don't grow facial hair. If you're a member of one of them then don't waste time waiting for it! :-) Otherwise, give it time. I grew some light hair in high school but just shaved every morning because the wispy stuff looked silly. By my senior year of college I had a terrific beard. Something funny that I learned when I grew my beard out is that not all men can. Seems silly, but I never knew this before. Most men don't see a guy with no facial hair and comment about it, but some men see a guy with a strong beard and will say "I wish I could do that." Some of these guys were in their 30s, one in his 50s. So, I lucked out in that, but it doesn't happen to everyone. If yours doesn't ever come in strong you won't be alone!

If you want to look older you should work on scowling a lot. I'm serious! The little lines it develops around your eyes and forehead can make you look like you're in your 30s, easy. Laughing and smiling a lot work too, but you get funny looks when you run around smiling all the time. But people don't mess with you as much if you walk around with a determined scowl.

How to get African American hair to grow???

I got a relaxer a while ago and it damaged my hair. i finnaly got it to grow back using right on curl products. Now i cant find that in the stores anymore and i need some tips on how to get my hair to grow. i was wearing a weave an that really damaged my hair. my cousin reccomended sage, and water mixed together but i think she was just kidding. can anyone give me any tips???

How to get African American hair to grow???

There are so many things on the market now you could use.Mane and Tail really works.Doo grow is pretty good also.I only relax my hair in the winter.In the summer,I use Wave Nouveau finishing lotion to keep my afro soft and curly.It doesn't have the hard and sticky feel regular gel does.

How to get African American hair to grow???

wash it and deep condition your hair every week..keep ends cliped not use excessive amount of heat on your hair because it will damage your hair..but the best way to let your hair grow is to get it corn rowed or braided or sometin should get kinky twist they are cute and they look good on every1

How to get African American hair to grow???

I'm in your same position and doing research as well. I would try looking at the Black Hair Media Forum under the hair growth section. The ladies there are good with coming up with chemical-free, natural solutions to growing hair. Good luck!

How to get African American hair to grow???

Your cousin was right about sage! Sage, rosmary, burdock root, and thyme applied to the scalp assist in hair growth. Like the previous poster indicated. Black Hair Media is an excellent hair care forum! ( Eating leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach, romaine lettuce) along with a multi-vitamin and a hair vitamins such as the ones available at GNC- will increase hair growth if taken in daily. Drinking an ample amount of water will help. For example, if you weigh 130 lbs you should drink at least (130/2)= 65oz of water which is equivalent to 8 glasses of water

You should make sure you are not putting too much stress on your hair, i.e. relaxing too often, too tight braids or too tight twist, or leaving weave in too long, etc. I'm sorry that the Right On is unavailable, I love the moisturizer myself. Here is a site where Right On products are available If you are unable to purchase online, perhaps you can find the following products at your local stores Carefree Gold or S-curl's moisturizer

Apply only a small amount of whichever moisturizer to the hair. Then, follow up using something to seal in the moisture such as Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Hair Lotion The only product that I recommend from Doo Gro is the Triple Strength Hair pomade. It is the fuschia/purple one on the bottom right It has a form of sulphur in it which aids in hair growth.

The probleming is not growing hair, but maintaing the hair we have. Do not overuse heat tools such as blow dryers, curling irons, straightners, etc. Wear a bun, braids, twist, or even a wig to grow out your hair!. Use wide tooth combs and wear a satin or silk bonnet at night to prevent hair from breaking.

If you have any other questions feel free to contact me!

How to get African American hair to grow???

The best product which really helped after my long hair broke off while I was pregnant is Palmers Hair Success and Treatment. Its seems pretty pricey but it is worth it. It comes in a small container and costs around $8. You should use it every night and believe me you're hair will grow back fast and thicker. You should also try and keep your hair naturally braided or with human hair as much as you can. Never use synthetic and don't put alot of heat to your hair such as blow drying. All of Dr. Michaels products are good too! Oh and I forgot my mother used tea on our hair when we were little and sometimes I still do. I tried it on my son's hair when he was a baby and he the back all out and it seemed to work but Im not really sure about the tea!.

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Okay people tell me your HAIR does grow a little a month. That's not true. My hair is the same length, yeah people do say you just can't tell that it has grown because it's just little by little but really it hasn't grown, It's been the same length for 1 year, can anyone help? Is it that i don't eat enough nutrious food?

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

I have been taking hair supplements for the past 3 years and here is what I have found.

ProCaps labs makes a great supplement called "Hair Skin and Nails" formula, here is the link for that

This is in capsule form and easy to swallow. This company, ProCaps labs is also extremely reputable and carries pure and effective products.

I took GNC's Nourishair for four months, and supplemented it with extra Biotin tablets daily due to its low Biotin content. I took 2500 micrograms extra Biotin with the GNC pills.

The Procaps hair vites have 2500 micrograms of Biotin in them, and don't really require extra Biotin be taken, but I do take an additional 2500 micrograms of Biotin for a daily total of 5000 micrograms of Biotin.

My hair is growing in thick and dark and quite quickly. My hair used to be very slow growing, but all of these supplements have really made a difference.

The only way to really change the health of your hair is by taking supplements that work internally on the follicle where hair is made, any shampoos or oils or other topically applied things do nothing to change hair's structure, that can only happen with systemically provided support, which means supplements that you take internally.. Keep in mind, regardless of how many or how much you take of any supplement, hair is never going to grow at a "Jack and the beanstalk" type of rate, the most you can hope for is to improve the strength and health of each hair follicle and to see an incremental increase in the rate of its growth

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

trim ur hair every 3/4 months, eat lots of protein, apply oil on ur hair

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Some people's hair stop growing at a certain length.Not everyone's will get down to their butt or even past their shoulders. Its hereditary! Mine has stopped and its a little past my shoulders. If you want longer hair, the best way to go is extensions. I have used them, and I love them. And trimming your hair every so often doesn't really help it to grow. Try wearing it up or in a rubber band often if you atleast want to try getting it longer! Good luck

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?


My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Your hair is damaged. Your ends are shedding without you realizing it.

Go to the hairdresser and get a trim or cut that damage out. That is the only way you will see growth.

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

taking the right vitamins and supplement in your daily diet would help hair growth, you also need to have head massage for proper blood circulation in the scalp:

Hair Growth Vitamins

Head Massage For Fast Hair Growth

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

I have my hair about 1-2 inches below my shoulder.

how long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

hair grows up to 1 inch per month if you brush it well. and those ppl's hair on the website is probably 4-5 inches with all those curls. so do the math.

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

six months

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

it just depends, everyones hair grows at different rates. a few years ago, my hair was as short as yours and id say it took about a year to get to about that length (considering i got trims every couple months)

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

My ahir used to be really long, and I cut it short. I liked it but now I'm trying to grow it out again and it seems to be taking FOREVER. Is their anything I can do to speed up the process. And yes, I know about extensions, I'm looking for ways to grow my actual hair. Thanks guys!

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

If you trim a little bit off the ends every 6 weeks your hair will grow faster.

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

well i use garnier fruties length and strenth system and it seems to be working

then i heard putting your hair in a french braid makes it longer cuz its tugging at the roots, but it could cause breakage

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

i also use garnier fructis length and strength and it does help make your hair stronger..drink alot of water, massage your scalp, take biotin vitamins and get your hair trimmed every 4-6 weeks to stop hair breakage

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

I heard that massaging your scalp helps stimulate hair growth, especially when you are under a hot shower with a nice conditioner in your hair.

Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks, eat healthy food, and take a lot of vitamins.

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

OK I took these vitamins and used this shampoo! And OMG it works... heres the website! And there running a special right now so yea! I promise it works as long as you use it. In one month my hair grew 3 inches... I love it!

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

Hair is continuously growing and is being shed simultaneously. Home made beauty recipes based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve hair growth. The luster in your hair will depend on what you eat and also on how you treat it. To Know more about your hair will help you

Is their anything I can do to help my hair to grow faster?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

How long does it take?

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

My hair used to be waist length. Just trim a little so it stays healthy. It depends on your hair but it might take about 3 years

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Eat a lot of protien.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

i have been told to take vitamin E and/or cod liver oil pills, but I havent tried it

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

I had my hair cut to my sholders and it took me 4 years to get it waist lenght - takes so long because you have to trim it alot.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

dont cut it

2-3 years

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

the more you have it trimmed, the faster it will seem to grow as your hair won't break/split as much.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

It depends on the person. i know my hair takes a ridiculously long time to grow, but trimming it every few months makes the hair stronger, and it will grow faster.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Don't have your hair cut in like one, two, or three years.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Depending on the person it can take from a couple of months to 1.5 years.

The best is to not cut your hair for 2 months, the 3rd month trim it and so on.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

it will only take 2 years, from a shaved form to grow hair from your chest down to your waist.

My ex wife who was Iraqi, proved it!!


Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

I would guess if you wanted it to actually reach your waist it would take several years. Can't say how many, but you'd have to not cut it for a very long time.

Mine grows about 1 inch every couple of months, so that's 6 or so a year. If you want it waist lenght you probably need 24 to 32 inches. So figure on 5 years, maybe 6 without cutting it at all.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Eat a balanced diet, oil your hair regularily, dont apply too many hair care products...just stick to one or two and keep trimming them off at specific intervals and Voila!! you will be blessed with long hair.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

I am a hairdresser and i would say that the majority of peoples hair grows at about a rate of 1/2 an inch per month, deep conditioning treatments once or twice a month always help to keep the hair strong and trimming it once in awhile will too. I have heard of many protein pills helping but if you choose to take hair strengthening pills orally just remember that it will strengthen the hair all over your body and/or make it longer.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

LOL in pregnancy your hair grows fast.

Aside from that, you really can't make your hair grow faster than nature has already declared.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

my hair is down to my butt and it took me several of years it tangles all the time and when it is wet and if you dont brush it it is almost immpossible to brush and it is still hard to brush when wet use main and tail it makes it thinker and grows faster

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

each person is different mine took 3 yrs

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Trim hair every three months. This will make your hair grow fastest.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

hair grows about half an inch a month, maybe a little bit more in the summer, it needs regular micro trims, and good conditioning, you should avoid excessive heat ie blow frying to close or to much use of the straighteners, also your diet plays a part so really 24 inches of hair to what you have already got will take about 4 years, but my is it worth it

I'm a Black Girl how can I get my hair to grow in 10 days?

I'm Really trying to get my hair to grow in 10 days please if you can help me please tell me anything. I really want my hair to grow. Just last week my hair was long and then my hair just keeps breaking off PLease PLease PLease HELP ME!!!

I'm a Black Girl how can I get my hair to grow in 10 days?

Are you serious? There is no magic hair grow in ten days. Try extensions if it is for a big event or something

I'm a Black Girl how can I get my hair to grow in 10 days?

Sorry to burst your bubble Asiah, but there is no way to get your hair to grow in 10 on everyone and anyone will grow around 6 inches per year. Given that, in 10 days your hair won't grow to where you notice.

There are things you can do to maximize your growth potential though! Those things are the obvious like taking your vitamins, taking care of your whole body through exercise and diet, and keeping your hair moisturized and healthy. 1-2 times per week massage olive oil or a good deep conditioner through your hair, cover with a cap or plastic bag, and sleep on it. Cut down on heat styling but if it is necessary, use products that are specific for heat styling which create a barrier on your hair follicles to reduce heat damage.

And for quick fixes to get long hair, try extensions! You can get them (for a high $) at salons or clip-in ones at stores like Sally Beauty Supply for a bit less.

Good luck!

I'm a Black Girl how can I get my hair to grow in 10 days?


You can stop using the relaxers and go natural. Your hair will retain the length better and will be healthier.

I'm a Black Girl how can I get my hair to grow in 10 days?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How long would it take for my hair to grow a foot long?

My hair lentgh is about an inch long, how long would it take to grow to a foot long?

How long would it take for my hair to grow a foot long?

Probably 3 or 4 years.

It really just depends on how fast your hair grows it varies for everyone.

How long would it take for my hair to grow a foot long?

2-3 years?

How long would it take for my hair to grow a foot long?

I say about a year to a year and 3 months, depending on how fast ur hair grows and what ur diet is and if u take vitamins and such.

How long would it take for my hair to grow a foot long?

about a year

hair grows about an inch monthly

How long would it take for my hair to grow a foot long?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. A slow process, but there are just no instant solutions. To Know more about your hair will help you.

How long would it take for my hair to grow a foot long?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How fast does eyebrow hair grow back?

Today, I went to a new esthetician, who tried to "trim" my eyebrows but ended up cutting off a whole chunk (the roots are still showing through). Plus, she plucked off a few extra hairs, and now my eyebrows are uneven. Usually, when I get my eyebrows done, they start to grow back in two to three weeks. So for the hair that she cut off, will it grow back faster or slower than the ones that had been removed from the roots?

How fast does eyebrow hair grow back?

It takes years of plucking an eyebrow hair to destroy the root, so these ones should grow back in about the same amount of time (perhaps a little slower if the root area was damaged a bit).

In the meantime, use a eyebrow or lipliner pencil in the same colour as your eyebrows and very lightly draw in short little lines like hair to fill them in a bit (VERY lightly, nothing noticeable from a few feet away).

How fast does eyebrow hair grow back?

It should grow back at the same rate.

How fast does eyebrow hair grow back?

to be honest everyone is different, it will grow back at different lengths and different times so you will be kind of waiting a while, but if they are not too badly uneven, using a eyebrow or eyeliner pencil close to your eyebrow colour, from the end of your eyebrows inwards, lightly like a feather mark in using brushing strokes, the areas that are uneven to make them look better abut only lightly otherwise it will come out too dark, this will help while they grow, leave them until then.

How does a guy grow his hair out?

I had my hair way long past my shoulders a couple years ago.....untill one drunken night.....and it's been pretty short ever since. How can I style My hair as it grows out? I REALLY want my long hair again, i just look like **** with short hair. Advice?

How does a guy grow his hair out?

you're pretty popular

Could I possibly grow hair like coheed and cambria's lead singer?

I am biracial with really curly hair, I currently have a fro. Is it possible that when it grows out it can be similar or will it resemble a dangling bush? I don't think it is completey like a african-american's I know it is a little straighter. I just wonder how loose your hair has to be to resemble claudio's.

Could I possibly grow hair like coheed and cambria's lead singer?

Try it man! Just go for it and once it gets a little long you will be able to tell.

Could I possibly grow hair like coheed and cambria's lead singer?

no its not possible

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the pr

my hair at the moment is like

but i want my hair like

how long do you reckon it'll take to grow?

Any foods/drinks i shud take to speed things up?

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I were you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I閳ユ獫e had success with a product called Provillus also.

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

no dirnks or food

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

take prenatal vitamins they help your hair and nails grow

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

hair grows about 1/2 inch per month.

How long will it take for my hair to grow? Is there any foods/drinks i could take to speed up the process?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How do i wear my hair while i wait for it to grow out, without damaging it with flat iorns or blow d

I have had the Japanese straightening done to my hair, and now that my hair has grown out it looks really strange. it looks even more strange now that i cut it to get rid of the dead hair i had. Its curly and frizzy from the roots and straight from the rest down. i don't know what to do with it if i flat iron my hair it will only give me slit ends, and i don't want to damage it. how do i wear my hair while i wait for it to grow out again?

How do i wear my hair while i wait for it to grow out, without damaging it with flat iorns or blow dryers?

As a mantra, tell yourself "It could be worse, I still have hair" over and over again.

Scarves are good, so are silly hats. Think of kids in cancer wards. *You* still have hair and good health. You're fortunate!

Way back when my mom talked me into getting a permanent wave and my hair cut to Page Boy length. It took years to recover from that. It'd actually turned into a Poodle cut before the licensed beautician was through.

Imagine how long you want your hair to become in inches and take that number times (x) 2. That's about how many months it might take. Get used to the idea. You'll get there, it just takes time. If you're lucky, you'll grow to like the scarves.

How do i wear my hair while i wait for it to grow out, without damaging it with flat iorns or blow dryers?

Try breads or a hair piece.

How do i wear my hair while i wait for it to grow out, without damaging it with flat iorns or blow dryers?

The best thing for you to do is wash your hair and set. This way the heat going into your hair is good heat. Also split ends can not be avioded. Every woman and men have them just cut you hair where its the most healthy at blow dry your hair or wash and set it. Try not to do the japanese staightening. You can always wear it back pony tail. That always works for me.

How do i wear my hair while i wait for it to grow out, without damaging it with flat iorns or blow dryers?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

Bald men's heads look like prossesed meat in deli's. Talk about a poultry head!

閳?br>For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

Thank you!!! :-) Report It

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

yep i think so

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?


For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

if youre bold, yeah but dont make it girly surfer long is the longest it can go

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

Wowwie Howie ..thats up to you ...

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

nah :)

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

Bald is totally sexy!

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

yeah but no longer than shag

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

Would it change your personality? Does your head get cold in the winter? Do you have to shave it to keep it sparkling? Hair is not a high mark on my list cause it doesn't make a man. I say list your pros and cons for and against hair and then go from there. I don't want a man to tell me how to wear my hair so I , of course, will not tell you how to wear yours. ok?

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

I like my men bald. o.0 Kidding...

Grow some hair. Please. ^_^

For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?


For the ladies,should I grow hair or no?

personally, i don't like bald guys. but you should do what you want to. i say go for it.

What natural and fast ways can i try to grow my hair healthy and strong?

my hair is already long but its not growing as fast any more...i need help plz

What natural and fast ways can i try to grow my hair healthy and strong?

Are you sure it isn't growing? A lot of times when someone thinks their hair isn't growing, it is just in such bad condition that it is breaking off and not appearing to get any longer.

Hair grows as fast as it is genetically programmed to grow. There is nothing you can do to enhance this process. It will NOT grow well if you are seriously ill or malnourished, but otherwise, you really can't influence hair growth anymore than you can influence your genes.

What natural and fast ways can i try to grow my hair healthy and strong?

Use a strenghtening shampoo and conditoner and get trims every month if possible. It will help keep your hair healthy. you might even start to take vitamens if you don't already.

What natural and fast ways can i try to grow my hair healthy and strong?

Best way for fast strong hair (and nail growth actually) is prenatal vitamins. You don't need prescription strength or anything, just whatever wal*mart sells, and while they'll improve your hair, skin, nails, and may even help you feel more energetic they are safe to use even when you're not pregnant, just remember to stick to the recommended dose. Hope they help!

What natural and fast ways can i try to grow my hair healthy and strong?

Since hair is made up of protein any food that is high in protein will help.

Also if you can get hold of prenatal vitamins. I've seen hair grow twice as fast a with them as without.

I been doing hair for over 30 years.

Hopes this helps.

What natural and fast ways can i try to grow my hair healthy and strong?

Well, if your if you african american truth is you need alot of mork work to take care of it. When you use grease or any hair product try to avoid petrolatum it clogs up your pores. Don't wash your hair more than once every week dont want to lose any minerals your hair needs and if you don't have a perm DONT GET ONE..I REPEAT DONT GET IT honestly it isn't the best step it requires alot of work to maintan and if the right person isn't doing you hair it could be dangerous I got one at a early age and i regret it i had to start over again but i rather start over then have no hair try using natural methods like a "natural perm" it uses herbs and naturally straigthens your hair it won't be 100% straight but after a good hot comb session it will get there

Does ''Wild growth oil'' really grow hair fast?

Im here to tell you YESS!!!! IT DOES WORK!!! It is worth the money... I was going natural and i went from like 2 inches of new growth to about 11 inches of natural curly hair when i grew out the texturizer my mom used. It really works.... but the only catch is not to use it TOO MUCH, no more than 2 times a week

I gotta show some pictures.... It does work....

Does ''Wild growth oil'' really grow hair fast?

i am a living testimony as grew my hair from shoulder length hair to waist length in approxiametly 1 year...i was sooo shocked. but the downside to my growth was i didnot maintain it using the wild growth oil on a regular basis and it shedded. so i am starting over once again. Report It

Does ''Wild growth oil'' really grow hair fast?

carols daughter ...theit alexir I am planning to try my friend said that was her secret to growing her hair back fast search for website should find it

Does ''Wild growth oil'' really grow hair fast?

What kind of essentials oils are good for new hair growth

Best Hair Loss Treatment - A Lot Of Options

Home Remedies to prevent Hair Loss

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

i recently had my hair cut SHORT and i don't like it. i want my hair to grow fast but i want to keep it short just longer than it is now. around when should i expect my hair to noticeably grow?

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

hair grows an average of 1/4 inch a month, if you are lucky a little more.

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

hair grows 5 inches a year so 6 months it will grow 2.5 inches, 3 months it will grow a little over 1 inch

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

Well IDK bout how her but hair grows approx. 1.2 inch per month...take some prenatal vitamins, take care of ur hair, use mane N should be lovin ur hair n about 2 months. Im growin mine out too...cant wait!!

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

It is supposed to grow and 1"1/2 per month. But in the summer i find it grows about 3" per month. Good luck


i know what it's like to have a bad hair cut it SUCKS!

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Is there any way 2 grow hair on your head?


Have a nutritious diet containing leafy vegetables, fruits and sprouts.

Exercise regularly and massage ur scalp with oil which improve blood circulation.

I want to no the secert of how to grow hair out fast?

Hair is continuously growing and is being shed simultaneously. Home made beauty recipes based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve hair growth. The luster in your hair will depend on what you eat and also on how you treat it. To Know more about your hair will help you

I want to no the secert of how to grow hair out fast?

every 3-4 weeks cut half an inch off. it grows faster wen u cut it off.

I want to no the secert of how to grow hair out fast?

Take prenatal vitamins. Even if you arent pregnant they are safe to take. They are like a multi-viamin only better and they work great!!

I want to no the secert of how to grow hair out fast?

eat protein things itmakes it stronger ...also eat jello!!tonsof it...also makes nails grow...:)

I want to no the secert of how to grow hair out fast?

would like to know too as my 12 year old grand daughter[bi racial] hair never grows.any ideas as to why?

I want to no the secert of how to grow hair out fast?

this old lady i used to live with said to cut it when the moon is full it will grow faster. i don't know if it was true or not but she was a stoner hippy so they might know about moon phases and all that.

I want to no the secert of how to grow hair out fast?

The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Where all do boys going through puberty grow hair and how long does it take for it all to grow in fu

Genetically, every guy gets hair at different area's. But you will definitely develop hair in the crotch area, arm pits, and facial area during puberty. Most will also develop hair on the chest and even more on the legs at the same time. Later on, around 20-25, you will develop more chest hair, maybe back hair if your Dad has it, and your beard will grow in fuller.

Where all do boys going through puberty grow hair and how long does it take for it all to grow in fully?

What kind of hair? On your face?

Where all do boys going through puberty grow hair and how long does it take for it all to grow in fully?

first off... the question is a little screwed up... but okay... yeah... go on google and search this

Where all do boys going through puberty grow hair and how long does it take for it all to grow in fully?

Armpits and pubic area.... quickly starting at puberty.... chest and face hair appears a little later... all pretty much done by 21.... chest and beard last...

Where all do boys going through puberty grow hair and how long does it take for it all to grow in fully?

don't forget leg hair gets courser too

Where all do boys going through puberty grow hair and how long does it take for it all to grow in fully?

As mammals we grow hair all over our body. As humans most of that hair is very light and not noticable but it is everywhere. During puberty guys grow hair on legs, chest, arms, toes, fingers, underarms, genitals, face, back and butt. Some guys grow more and darker in some places than others. I know some guys that at age 17 were more hairy that I am at age 40.

Where all do boys going through puberty grow hair and how long does it take for it all to grow in fully?

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

I have my hair about 1-2 inches below my shoulder.

how long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

hair grows up to 1 inch per month if you brush it well. and those ppl's hair on the website is probably 4-5 inches with all those curls. so do the math.

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

six months

How long will it take for my hair to grow this long?

it just depends, everyones hair grows at different rates. a few years ago, my hair was as short as yours and id say it took about a year to get to about that length (considering i got trims every couple months)

How to grow longer facial hair?

Im 18 and i've had some facial hair on my chin for about 5 months and its still the same length which isnt very long at all and I was wondering why it isnt growing more. Will it ever continue to grow?

How to grow longer facial hair?

shave man the more you shave the more it grows and in like five or six yrs you will be thinking damn i need to go shave... give it time and shave it off your young it will grow

How to grow longer facial hair?

Unfortunately, it WILL. At its own time and when that happens, you'll be telling yourself, didn't I JUST shave?

Damn that stuff grows fast! Faster, the older you get.

And constantly SHAVING now, doesn't make it grow in thicker or faster. That's a myth! You'll get there dude!

Any day now!

How to grow longer facial hair?

Sounds like you are a late bloomer, or may just not have facial hair. Lots of guys don't start to really need to shave until they are in their late teens, and their beard gradually grows in. But many guys also just don't grow much facial hair, depends on your parents and whether your dad and males on your mother's side have much facial hair.

How to grow new facial hair?

I'm 30 yrs old guy. I don't have much facial hair. It is surrounded only near my chins. I want to grow long Side Burns, but I can't because I don't have hair on that portion. Please tell me if there is some oil or lotion that will help develop new facial hair.


How to grow new facial hair?

just keep on shaving on daily basis

How to grow new facial hair?

i know it sounds funny, but the more you cut hair, the faster and longer it grows.

so i agree with old mate.

as soon as you get a bit of hair, shave it for a month or two, then let it grow.

if you dont have much hair where u want the chops, still shave that bit too. will help in the end

To grow out your hair.. wear it up??

I want my hair to grow as fast as possible. I heard having you hair up as much as possible makes it grow faster. Is this true? I never sleep with my hair up, should I?

To grow out your hair.. wear it up??

It is not like that and it doesn't make a difference whether it is up or not. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

To grow out your hair.. wear it up??

I think it does if you wear it in a really high pony tail i heard that too. But i don't think youll wake up and it will be super long!

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas

I want my hair to grow long but I want it to just start growing. I want it to be long and healthy. Any ideas?

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

What exactly is african american hair? I do not understand does it change the way it looks from regular plain old african hair or american hair? Is this some kind of new hybrid thing or is just a way to say your black.

I am a white american male and cannot figure out why in the united states black people must segregate themselves from the rest of the citizens of the united states by calling themselves african americans. By the way i am not racist I have many friends that are not white. These people are not african americans anymore than I am. Most of them have never even been to africa. Could someone please tell me why this is? I feel that if you are a citizen of the USA than you should call yourself an plain old ordinary american. I am not a native american, so obviously my ancestors are not from north america, but I do not go around calling myself a german american or english american, so why should anyone else who lives in america want to segregate themselves from the rest of society and classify them selves as something other than an american. The only exception to this I can see is if someone is born in a different country and would still like to show their loyalty to there birth country. Is it so wrong that we as people say we are white, black, asian , indian?

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

OMG ppl always call black people African Americans. And basically most "black" people have ancestors from Africa. So that's why they have the name African American. And don't we call white people Caucasians and we don't call Asians yellow or Indians tan so African Americans is a suitable name. Report It

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

you can take vitamins

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

make sure you trim yourends regularly, i read somewhere that protective hair styles make your hair grow and girl, they do! I am a witness. Protective hair styling is like braids,weaves(not too tight) or ponytails covered in Protein Gel (hairstyles where the ends of your hair are protected) try to wear your hair (even with a hair piece) in the protein pony and see if it doesn't grow. I have noticed such a difference. and you don't have to justwear ponytails, you can wear Lace Front Wigs(my new discovery go to google to look this up) it looks like the hair is growingout of your scalp! , braids ,weaves, insta-weaves,(check that out on google too) wigs, etc. my hair was bald in the back girl! you know what i did, I used to gel it down with protein gels (brown no alcohol!!) Trust me it works, give it time. But there are so many options, oh yeah.. and condition at least 1 a week (hot oil ,or deep condition) and NO MORE HEAT STYLING!Breaks your ends

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

same here! i am trying too grow my hair out! and it's taking forever too get nice shiney heathly hair~!~ i would say eating a lot of protiean could help it. uesing a shampoo and conditioner that is good for your hair. don't burn it out by straighting it all the time. trim the split ends of every 3 too 6 months. your hair grows on avrage a half an inch every month. so in a year your hair should have grown 6 inches~!

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

No magic and this will take time. Get to a Beauty Supply Store or Sally's. Get shampoo/condition that is to promote hair growth. I use Doo Gro products but they have many. Also get your hair trim with the full moon (old wives tale, but i still do it). U should get hair trim every 6-8 weeks. Also get a deep conditioner to use 1-2x/week. It will start growing, watch the heat u put on it because heat takes alot out of your hair. Watch your perms and dye jobs if u do either. Just keep at it. U will see results. U may also want to take prenatal vitamins which promote hair and nail growth. They also another vitamin just for hair and nails growth.

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

Vitamins a good idea, but African American hair needs to be trained and well cared for. If you really want it to grow and get healthy, talk to a hair specialist, go to the beauty supply store and ask questions. Let them know what you are going for and don't let them talk you info a bunch of extension. You can do it and it will look great. I like african american hair, in tiny little braids, not with extensions, but with natural hair. Pretty and natural and the braids will help it to maintain a more straight look for you.

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

im growing my hair out also.. so far i have be taking some biotin vitamins, twice a day, i have noticed a change in growth... i am also wrapping my hair in a satin scraf ar night and not using any weaves, or products that contain alcohol. those items break your hair as well as using heat. i have been doing this for about a month i already have new growth.. i hear that prenatal vitamins and this supplements the GNC carries called nourishhair works. good luck!!

Hi I have african american hair and I want to know how to make it long. I want it to grow. Any ideas? Thanx.?

p.s. the 5th answer down is terrible.

What are the methods available to grow hair? i dont drop hair and is hereditary that i have lesser h

horse shampoo! its called "mane and tail" and it works really well. my hair grows 1 1/2" to 2" a month. you can buy it at walmart. also massaging your hair with a few drops of oil every night in the shower will increase blood flow, and stimulate hair growth. also there is "scientific brushing" ( you can look it up on google how to do it) and that will also help. good luck!

What are the methods available to grow hair? i dont drop hair and is hereditary that i have lesser hair roots.

You can use Nexxus Biotion Hair thicking Shampoo or Doo Gro products for thinning hair

What are the methods available to grow hair? i dont drop hair and is hereditary that i have lesser hair roots.

I am taking different vitamins for hair.

What are the methods available to grow hair? i dont drop hair and is hereditary that i have lesser hair roots.

1.put coconut oil in ur hair

2. Drink water(LOTS)

3. Execerise %26amp; eat Healthy

4. Stand on your head for 10 mins (5min in the morning%26amp; 5 mins at night)

5. go to wal-mart and get this tablets called "Hair, Skin, %26amp;Nails"....=]

6. BE PATIENT!!!! =]


What are the methods available to grow hair? i dont drop hair and is hereditary that i have lesser hair roots.

my friend uses avacor, and they say it works really good. good luck hunn

How do u grow your relaxed hair quickly?also, what's a good shampoo and conditioner for this ty

i am black and have relaxed hair but i find that it's been breaking lately. i also had cut it like kelis in her "bossy" video recently.can someone recommend a good shampoo and conditioner for this type of hair as well as a way to grow it quickly.i had long hair before and i'm getting fed up with the short style.thanks :D

How do u grow your relaxed hair quickly?also, what's a good shampoo and conditioner for this type of hair?



How do u grow your relaxed hair quickly?also, what's a good shampoo and conditioner for this type of hair?

From my personal experience, I usually plate my hair with braids for about three month then plate without plate for about 6 weeks and I put a weave for a month maximum.

How do u grow your relaxed hair quickly?also, what's a good shampoo and conditioner for this type of hair?

The best hair conditioner and shampoo for relaxed hair that I know will work wonders is Nexus. The growth process is a genetic item, but prayer and being patient your hair will come back in time.

How do u grow your relaxed hair quickly?also, what's a good shampoo and conditioner for this type of hair?

Omg that happen to me it sucks i know ok heres whatr you do

every moring have 1 Vitemin E with breacky

wash ur hair every day

it should grow back it did for mine month and its longer already

How do u grow your relaxed hair quickly?also, what's a good shampoo and conditioner for this type of hair?

Use either Creme of Nature Shampoo and Conditioner or Mane 'N Tail Shampoo and Conditioner.

To promote hair growth you must apply a hair dressing that contains natural herbs and vitamins and message it into hair and scalp. Using the balls of your fingers will help the blood circulate which stimulates the hair follicles which promote hair growth.

Are there medicines which enables bald men (adults)grow hair without being affected mentally ?

you need ayurveda!

Are there medicines which enables bald men (adults)grow hair without being affected mentally ?

Rogaine (minoxidil) is the only drug approved by the FDA for hair regrowth. It does have systemic effects, but mental effects are not listed as a concern. It is the only one listed.

How can i get my hair to grow at least an inch a month...?

well my hair grows pretty fast.

it used to be down past my waist

but then i went to get it trimmed awhile ago and the hair stylist cut over 6 inches off of it.

since it was shorter i didnt get it trimmed to get split ends and stuff off and it kept breaking off so now i had to cut it shoulder length.

i really miss my long hair and this summer im hoping to grow it out as much as possible before 8th grade.

umm ive been putting a leave in conditioner almost everyday to make it healthy again

but like what can i do to it? and about how much can i grow it out u think?

thanks everyoneee! =]

How can i get my hair to grow at least an inch a month...?

An inch a month is a lot...if it didn't grow that much when you were younger it most likely never will... not until they solve hair growth with "stem cells ". Improving hair growth comes from having your body being in the absolute best shape of its life. WHAT GOES IN YOUr MOUTH SHOWS UP ON YOUR HEAD...

Drop by my Hair Blog ( I don't sell anything its just information) ..there is a new terrible problem in the USA and involves chicks %26amp; hair loss...I have narrowed it down to 10 first you might think they are hard....but I have been working on this for over 6 years....and it fixes 86% of all women with this problem....I am beginning to start a group in Yahoo as well so there will be a place right around the corner for all of you..

How can i get my hair to grow at least an inch a month...?

eat lots and lots and lots of protein :]

How can i get my hair to grow at least an inch a month...?

what they said...

How can i get my hair to grow at least an inch a month...?

You can use Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner, it makes it grow slightly faster.

How can i get my hair to grow at least an inch a month...?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

I recently got my hair cut, and I think its too short. I am getting pictures for school in 2 weeks, and I want my hair to be longer. Do you have any tips to make it grow faster?

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

prematle vitamins

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

shcool its summer ..but eat lots of banana's

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

there are supplements that make your hair and nails grow longer that you can get from like a drug store...or one of those vitamin stores i forgot the name, lol.

or you can take OTC prenatal vitamins...

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

u CANNOT make it grow faster in 2 weeks but u can stimulate its growth by massaging the scalp to nourish the hair

hair growth is controlled by genes and is hereditary. we cannot speed it up or slow it down beyond its limit.

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

all u can do is trim it every 6 weeks

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

brush 100 strokes a day! it seriously works!

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

colgate toothpaste

just put it in your hair everynight befor bed

it grow 3 times as fast that way

trust me

i'd swear by it

my college roomate had almost the same situation

this worked for him

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

eat fuits and vitamins

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

without looking like a freak or colgate in your hair O_o you could just get some hair extensions ---

they cost some money tho but i mean its how u want to look right??

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

hair extentions


just eat lots of spicy foods

How do I get my hair to grow longer, faster?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the result. Check the source for more information and review.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

How long does it take?

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

My hair used to be waist length. Just trim a little so it stays healthy. It depends on your hair but it might take about 3 years

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Eat a lot of protien.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

i have been told to take vitamin E and/or cod liver oil pills, but I havent tried it

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

I had my hair cut to my sholders and it took me 4 years to get it waist lenght - takes so long because you have to trim it alot.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

dont cut it

2-3 years

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

the more you have it trimmed, the faster it will seem to grow as your hair won't break/split as much.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

It depends on the person. i know my hair takes a ridiculously long time to grow, but trimming it every few months makes the hair stronger, and it will grow faster.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Don't have your hair cut in like one, two, or three years.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Depending on the person it can take from a couple of months to 1.5 years.

The best is to not cut your hair for 2 months, the 3rd month trim it and so on.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

it will only take 2 years, from a shaved form to grow hair from your chest down to your waist.

My ex wife who was Iraqi, proved it!!


Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

I would guess if you wanted it to actually reach your waist it would take several years. Can't say how many, but you'd have to not cut it for a very long time.

Mine grows about 1 inch every couple of months, so that's 6 or so a year. If you want it waist lenght you probably need 24 to 32 inches. So figure on 5 years, maybe 6 without cutting it at all.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Eat a balanced diet, oil your hair regularily, dont apply too many hair care products...just stick to one or two and keep trimming them off at specific intervals and Voila!! you will be blessed with long hair.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

I am a hairdresser and i would say that the majority of peoples hair grows at about a rate of 1/2 an inch per month, deep conditioning treatments once or twice a month always help to keep the hair strong and trimming it once in awhile will too. I have heard of many protein pills helping but if you choose to take hair strengthening pills orally just remember that it will strengthen the hair all over your body and/or make it longer.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

LOL in pregnancy your hair grows fast.

Aside from that, you really can't make your hair grow faster than nature has already declared.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

my hair is down to my butt and it took me several of years it tangles all the time and when it is wet and if you dont brush it it is almost immpossible to brush and it is still hard to brush when wet use main and tail it makes it thinker and grows faster

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

each person is different mine took 3 yrs

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

Trim hair every three months. This will make your hair grow fastest.

Does anyone know how to grow hair waist lenght?

hair grows about half an inch a month, maybe a little bit more in the summer, it needs regular micro trims, and good conditioning, you should avoid excessive heat ie blow frying to close or to much use of the straighteners, also your diet plays a part so really 24 inches of hair to what you have already got will take about 4 years, but my is it worth it

Are there any ways of getting your hair to grow quickly without drugs or hair extensions?

my hair goes down to a little bit under my shoulders and is in pretty good condition, i would like it to grow another few inches in less than four months.

Are there any ways of getting your hair to grow quickly without drugs or hair extensions?

I had the same problem but I used the right products and my hair is growing 2 cms every month. Theres a brand named Klorane that has some shampoo and conditioner named Quinine that it helps your hair grow so fast. You will find here Also LeeStafford has some conditioning cream that increases hair growth. This one

and Also theres another shampoo and conditioner named Fast that they make your hair grow so fast too. These ones I have used all of them and all are great. At this moment I am using Klorane Quinine and LeeStaffords cream.

Are there any ways of getting your hair to grow quickly without drugs or hair extensions?

if u cornrow ur hair n don't take it out till one wk then it will make ur hair grow b/c ur not doin to much to it n ur hair begins to grow...this is what my mom use to do to my hair n my hair grew alot but when i got older i cut it n now i'm doin the method again and this method as well well when ur younger ur hair grows nice n faster b/c of the exercise n deit u've grown up with...i had the same problem u have i use to have long hair down where my bra strap is and i choped it to ear length and it took awhile to grow back...but now its past my clavical...took 2yrs to find the best way to grow it back...what i do is i use oil base condionter n shampoo and precondition my hair b4 i wash it like hot oil treatments or put cond. on the ends of my hair then i wash it and i leave a lil put of cond. on the ends to keep it perfect from the heat n also from brushin it like crazy..i also take prenatal vitamins which help b/c of the folic aicd and vitamin b...also just trim the ends where u see a split end not to much just enough so it won't go ne higher...if u try this method it should help the hair to come back nice b/c i told my friend the same thing n she can't stop tellin me thank u

Will his hair grow back?

okay a couple months ago i started noticing that he was bitting and all that i though it was just fleas but then it countinued and then he got a bold spot so then i took him to the vet and they said he had mites so he gave me the medicine called revolution but i dont know if his hair will grow back OR IS THIRE ANY MED OR PRODUCT THAT CAN MAKE IT GROW??

Will his hair grow back?

no worries it will grow back, just give it time. :)

Will his hair grow back?

i had a german shepard do the same thing and the hair never grew back it turned grey and hard it the spot he was chewing

Will his hair grow back?

What TYPE of mites? Mites are the underlying cause of mange, and there are different types. There's one that's treatable, and there's one that's actually curable.

His hair WILL grow back, if the situation is taken care of. Don't worry about that!

Will his hair grow back?

it will grow back like when you cut your hair it always grows back...dont worry.. it just might take a while to get back to the length it was

Will his hair grow back?

Why didn't you ask the vet this question? My dog gets severe allergies this time of year from weed pollen. He chews on his legs so much that he develops raw bloody spots and loses much of his fur. Once the allergies end (normally this happens in early October) the skin heals and his fur grows back quickly. But check with your vet if you're really concerned about it.

Will his hair grow back?

dont use any human products let it grow back natrually trust me it will grow back

- good luck

Will his hair grow back?

ok, now this is not something the vets will tell you. but, i have been told that to get rid of mites in a "timely" manner, you take new car oil and rub it in their fur all over their body and keep it on there for atleast an hour...and then give them a bath. Something to do with the oil killing the mites right away...Mites is a terrible thing for a dog to have. especially when they are adults. I hope your dog is a pup. They tend to get rid of mites better. Kind of like if human adults getting chicken pox, it is much much worse as if they were younger...Hope this helps...Getting rid of mites can take a loooong time to get rid of. and yes the hair will grow back...has anyone else heard this too, about the car oil???

Will his hair grow back?

It will grow back. A lot of times and animal will scratch and bite at himself endlessly to try to satisfy an itch. My cat had fleas when i got him, and he scratched and scratched at it even after they were gone. It couldnt heal because every time it started to, he scratched it more.

I got some hydrocortisone spray...also can come in a cream...and it is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is over the counter in pet stores, but should only be used if he keeps scratching and doesnt let it heal. You might want to talk to your vet if your dog has had any other health problems.

hydrocortisone should not be used if your dog has an infection in the'll know by the pus. If you do, the infection can actually spread. Also for future reference, incase you have a female dog too, dont use hydrocortisone on a pregnant animal before talking to your dogs vet. There have been studies that have found corticosteroids to have caused dystocia, fetal death, retained placenta, cleft palate in offspring, and congenital anomalies, among others. However these were studies where corticosteriods were orally administered or injected into the animals, and they were females so it wont hurt your puppy.

if you are worried you can talk to your dogs vet. hope it helps..but even if he does have some irritation, he will get better and his hair will grow back.

Will his hair grow back?

My vet shaved most of the hair off my dog's leg when she had a lick sore. She looked bizarre with a hairless leg, several people stopped to ask me about it while I was walking. It was a couple of months before I saw any growth and now 5 months later it's normal. Be patient, it will grow back.

Have anyone use fast grow hair vitamins by exotic allure?

sounds great, thanks.

Have anyone use fast grow hair vitamins by exotic allure?

you know that the vitamins usually dont work....the only way to have longer hair is to get your hair cut to trim off the dead ends but if you think it works for you it would be good to go with it

How long does it take for facial hair to grow back!?

If i shave of my facial hair how long will it take to grow back!

How long does it take for facial hair to grow back!?

about two minutes

How long does it take for facial hair to grow back!?

Depending on your age, 12 to 36 hours to the point it feels rough to the touch. Young people usually have finer hair and when they first start shaving may not have to remove stuff more often than twice a week. Men 18-60 usually have to shave every day because if they don't, but the middle of the day they have a visible grubby growth, but some men show a dark growth by dinner time ("5 o'clock shadow"). Older men whose beard is going grey may find that the growth is not visible the morning of the second day and not nearly as coarse as it used to be and so shave every other day.

How long does it take for facial hair to grow back!?

i dont know. it seems i have to shave about every 2 to 3 days, its a drag.

How long does it take for facial hair to grow back!?

2 days

How do you get yor hair to grow faster?

i have ethnic/mixed hair and i would like it to grow faster and longer. Thanx

How do you get yor hair to grow faster?

Well, you really can't make hair grow faster, but you can make it stronger which in turn makes it healthier and sometimes grow faster.

First off, make sure it's healthy! Try to cut out any heat products such as straightener, blow dryer and/or a curling iron. These things damage your hair ALOT. Also, try to get it trimmed once a month.

USe Garnier Fructice Long %26amp; Strong shampoo, conditioner and products. It keeps your hair protected so it won't break as frequently.

And lastly, take your vitamins! Protein is the best thing for your hair (according to my hairdresser). At stores like GNC, they have hair supplements to help your hair grow faster, but don't count on them.

Hair only grows about a half an inch a month. If you want it to go from your shoulders to, I guess, your bra strap? Allow 7 to 8 months. Every 6 inches of hair is about a year old... So, don't expect it to grow at the speed of light! It takes time and care!

Good luck!

How do you get yor hair to grow faster?

Sorry, you 'll have to be satisfied with what nature gave you and that includes how fast your hair grows. Average hair growth is about one half inch a month

How do you get yor hair to grow faster?

Find a really good hair conditioner.

How do you get yor hair to grow faster?

I heard drinking milk helps

How do you get yor hair to grow faster?

I've heard that eating Jello helps it grow. Something about the gelitan. Seems to be working for me.

How do you get yor hair to grow faster?

Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

I cut my hair last october because it was seriously damaged and since then it really hasnt grown. I cut it about three inches from my scalp and had it layered in the back which was much shorter. it's still pretty much the same length now. I cannot get my hair to grow. I am african american and my hair is very thick. Right now i am just letting it out natural because i dont know what to do with it. I dont want to put a relaxer in it because i thought that would also stunt my growth. My hair has never grown like other women i have seen. I changed my diet and that still doesnt work. I was going to the salon every two weeks but i was never the one to go to salons and spend money. I use a satin scarf at night. I stopped using grease. I was using Kuza but it was so greasy. I have been using Luster's Pink moisturizers, Panten ProV moisturizer, ethnic carrot/mayonaise conditioners. Are there any conditioners that i can use? Shampoo? wear certain styles? Braids? Someone please help a sista out

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

here are some tips to stop hair loss:

Taking Care of Hair

Vitamins for hair growth

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

take vitamin E. it will help it grow faster and make it look healthy and amazing!

one side affect, it will also cause your fingernails to grow faster, because hair and fingernails are produced from essentially the same process. however, they'll be stronger and less likely to break :-D

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

ask your doctor if taking a prenatal vitamin would be ok. even though they are for pregnant woman, they help your nails and hair grow faster.

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

Try buying Knox's clear gelatin, mix it with water and drink it. It is pure protein and will help your hair grow a little better. Make sure you take a daily multivitamin...there are multivitamins out there which can help make hair and nails stronger, and if your hair is stronger, you will be able to make the most of every inch of it. Other than that, there's not much you can do that I am aware of to make your hair grow any faster, just a little better.

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

Try some biotin or Oleda hair vitamins. A hair stylist told me that Pantene is horrible for hair and never to use it. Maybe that could be it ???? Have you ever tried locking your hair. If your interested look up Sister Locks.

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

Last year around the same time I had to cut my hair cause I have very thick hair and my hair was breaking off. My hair has grown almost down to my back. You need to use Motions. I use Motions grease, pink oil, there relaxer, and shampoo. Trust me it work. If you get it and it work e-mail me at to let me know how your hair have improved

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

Take calcium and gelatin tablets. My friend took one of each everyday since her doctor told her and it works.

And one advice from me, do not use pantene anymore.

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

Everybody hair grows at different rates and lengths. Some peoples hair will only grow to a certain length then stop growing altogether. The best way that I know to ensure strong, healthy growing, hair is to keep it clean by washing it regularly and to keep the ends trimmed. Try using brushes that stimulate the scalp ("white girl brushes") and try not to over do it with the oils and moisturizers because they can clog the follicles of the hair. Another thing you can try is braids to give your hair a rest from the trauma of daily maintenance. Just make sure the braids are not too tight because that can also pull out the hair. Good luck.

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

USE NIOXIN! I **** you not this stuff works! It is called Nioxin you might have to buy it in a salon and it may be pricey but it might be worth it to you!!! Get the shampoo and Conditioner and the scalp treatment and your hair will grow so much faster. Oh, and get the follicle booster too!

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

you need more nutrition's !

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

if your african american, then why are you aclling yourself indiagirl1030?

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

What kind of essentials oils are good for new hair growth

Vitamins for hair growth

Please Help...I can't get my hair to grow?

miracle gro!! it's the only way

Hey people out there . how can i grow hair on my chin?

thx in advance

Hey people out there . how can i grow hair on my chin?

Men first grow moustaches. As we get older we generally get more facial hair. There are some people in high school that can grow a beard at the same time as their moustache comes in but that is not the norm. Generally you gain facial hair as you get older. If you have darker hair it comes in sooner.

Hey people out there . how can i grow hair on my chin?

grow old?

Hey people out there . how can i grow hair on my chin?

shave that portion

Hey people out there . how can i grow hair on my chin?

Time. There is no magic way. If you're a teen and worried that you haven't grown facial hair yet, just wait. It's coming.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why doesnt scar tissue grow hair?

especially on animals.

Why doesnt scar tissue grow hair?

I'm not sure about animals, but I when i was a baby i had to have skin taken from my outer thigh area %26amp; grafted onto my fingers, Unfortiantly the hair follicals survived...%26amp; i now get fine hairs growing inbetween my fingers. :-(

It's quite a talking point but it does breake the ice when meeting new (educated) people. :-)

Some people are idiots though %26amp; do jump to the wrong conclusion :-(

Why doesnt scar tissue grow hair?

No folicles

Why doesnt scar tissue grow hair?

The hair follicles have been killed or die. No hair can grow where the are no longer and follicles.

Why doesnt scar tissue grow hair?

because the skin cells are reproduces individually not copying sections of skin

one cell at a time then the next and the next and the cells that are doing it are skin cells

Why doesnt scar tissue grow hair?

Because scar tissue is a thicker non porous skin. It is just like in welding the weld is the strongest spot. There are no hair follicles in scar tissue so it can grow. There is also a very limited blood supply to support growth.

Why doesnt scar tissue grow hair?