So im 18 and ive been reading up here on yahoo answers all the questions asked previously before on how to grow facial hair. I dont wish to grow a thick beard or even a mustache but i do feel that a 5 o clock shadow will add something nice. I have small hair growing in about once a week in about 3 spots like under the chin. Besides from people here answering telling me not to sweat it; i wish some of you might be able to provide actually, useful information on being able to stimulate more hair to flurish out. I'm sure it is possible. Example; my friend makes his hair grow very fast by using this special cheap shampoo he buys at Savons. So im sure there is a way to get a 5 o clock shadow to come about. Tips? Thanks!
18 years old, wish to grow a bit of facial hair?
shave your face
18 years old, wish to grow a bit of facial hair?
Your friend is bluffing you - there is no product which makes your hair grow faster - however, you can use Rogaine and hair will grow - if you stop using Rogaine, the hair will stop coming in.
The speed of hair growth is a combination of exposure to the sun, so it grows faster in the summertime.
18 years old, wish to grow a bit of facial hair?
dude, I'm 19 and i am in the same boat you are, I can't grow facial hair to save my life. and you are right a 5 oclock shadow does look extremely sexy but I have been told by men who have facial hair that they wish they didnt because it is just a hassal to shave all the time. the bottom line of growing facial hair is just keep shaving. do it everyday, and eventually you will get that 5 oclock shadow.
18 years old, wish to grow a bit of facial hair?
just take your vitamins every day (multi-vitamin)
and go ahead and start shaving...and the hair will grow back thicker and thicker each time
good luck!
18 years old, wish to grow a bit of facial hair?
you're gonna have to wait and deal with that. if there was a way to force hair to grow, there would be no balding men in the world. I myself had a spot under my chin that didn't grow hair till I was almost 21, and a good friend of mine, who's 28, still barely grows hair on his face.
What i'm getting at is that when it's time for hair to grow on your face, it will. till then, your only real option is to quit worrying about it. believe me, shaving is no great joy anyway. razor burn sucks.
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