I have really dark hair, so it doesn't really matter if it comes abck darker, lol. but i alwayd thought that it was supposed to grow back thicker, but then in a science article i read that cutting or shaving does not affect the future texture of the hair. so whats true?
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
There are many many myths about hair, and sadly perhaps, even hair stylists who should know better circulate some of this Hair Voodoo. Here are the scientific FACTS about the top 10 hair myths:
1. Cutting your hair makes it stronger or grow faster.
Bull winkle. Its hair, not a lawn. Exactly where this myth started is unknown, but is probably related to the observation of men's facial hair. There are different kinds of hair on your face and head. Hair on your head and facial hair have different properties. Cutting your hair will only make it shorter and hairs grows almost exactly half an inch per month, no matter what you do or take.
2. Split ends can be repaired.
Sorry Charlie, not true. Split ends cannot be repaired and should be cut off immediately or they will split yet higher and do yet more damage.
3. Brushing your hair is good for it.
To the contrary, brushing your hair is very very very bad for your hair and the leading contributor to split ends and hair breakage. By all means groom your hair, but once it is in place, STOP.
4. Tight hats cause baldness.
This one probably started in the military where young men entering the service were required to wear hats and soon showed signs of going bald, or at least of hair thinning. This is due to coincidental timing. The age that young men enter the military is also the same age that male pattern hair loss begins. This is due to dihydrotestosterone, not hats. Hats do cause hair breakage and to a lessor degree to split ends.
5. Hair can turn gray or white over night.
What utter nonsense. This one was born in literature. What part of "fiction" did you not understand? Hair receives its color genetically and can only turn gray or white over very long periods of time. Actually the hair doesn't turn white in as much as the hair loses color, but not over night, or even a wild weekend.
6. Pluck one gray hair and two grow back.
Folks, if this were true I would be pulling my hair out by the fist full. I need more hair and can always color the gray hair.
7. Baldness is inherited from the mothers side of the family.
More Hair Voodoo. Male and female pattern hair loss can be inherited from either side of the family and may or may not skip many generations. Male pattern hair loss usually begins at age 18 to 20 and female patter hair loss between ages 45 and 55.
8. Dandruff is caused by dry scalp.
Dandruff and dry scalp are two entirely different things. A good shampoo and conditioner will take care of the dry scalp, which is 'flaking'. Dandruff shampoos such as "Head and Shoulders' are entirely unnecessary and inadvisable.
Dandruff is a serious health issue and requires medical attention and prescribed medication. The 'flakes' are actually oily, not dry. Very very few people have actual dandruff and you would know it if you did.
9. Dandruff is contagious.
No. You already have the micro organism that causes dandruff, yours just aren't as active. On the other hand, there are plenty of nasty things you can get from someone else's comb or brush, so be careful.
10. Cutting your hair during a full moon makes it grow in healthier, fuller, faster or longer.
Give me a break. I am not even going to dignify this one with an explanation. Hey, if you buy into this type of earth muffin drivel, by all means, mark the dates on your calendar.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
hey the pirate look is coming back
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
it might be true
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
No cutting or shaving does not make it grow back thicker. That is a myth. You can't change your hair follicles.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
I think that your hair will grow back thicker but the texture(curly, wavy soft, or kinky) will not be affected.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
It grows back thicker. If you think it doesn't, just touch a man's face after 3 days of not shaving.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
Doesn't affect the rate of hair growth, the only difference is that you cut it evently so the tips of the hair are blunt about the same size.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
it absolutely has no effect on the thickness of the hair. It probably just seems thick because it comes back all stubbly and stiff, but it will get softer and more pliable the longer it gets.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
Yes, in my experience it does - but not thicker, scratchier. My leg hair went from downy to scratchy very quickly, but it has to be done, doesn't it?
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
the hair doesnt grow back thicker or darker. i saw it on 'myth busters.' they actually tested this on a girl by shaving only one leg..shaving had no affect on how the hair grew back.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
it does not affect it - otherwise a lot of balding guys would be shaving their heads, right?? besides, shaving may SPLIT the hair, causing it to seem thicker b/c the one hair looks like two b/c the razor had split it - but that only happens if the razor is too dull. that's easily remedied if you switch a razor every 2-3 shaves.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
it doesnt grow back any thicker, u just think that because its more blunt and the color is more noticeable.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
i only grows back thicker in areas you dont want it to!!!
it will not grow thicker on your head, but it will grow thicker on your cooch!
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
in some places it comes back thicker. in other places its exactly the same as before.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
It is a myth. When you shave hair you cut it at an angle. Thus making it appear longer wen it grow. It is actually the same length. You just see more of the hair when it grows.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
yeah, my back is like a forest now...
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
From what I have experienced, yup, it does. Any place I have shaved it does come back thicker and darker. It's really irritating. If you wax, after a while it stops coming back all together though. But who knows, maybe it's all in our heads?
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
texture and thicker are two different things. shaving wont make it thicker, coz the number of hair follicles you have on your scalp does not increase when you shave. the texture will be better though coz u shaving off damaged hair and the new hair is...undamaged!
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
Who knows, it could be true, and it could not be true. I don't think it would effect the future of your hair. I think it would just stay the same.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
I think it does grow back thicker, never used to shave or wax my toes as the hair there was v pale but my friend waxed it when i was being her client for her beauty exam, and since then i have to do it all the time because they are now much more noticeable, they're darker , more of them and more wiry. Once you start shaving or waxing an area you have to continue, so think carefully!!!
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
No, it's not true. Shaved hair appears darker because you cut it off at skin level. When it grows out, the hair has been blunted making in look thick. When a hair is plucked, it pulls the hair out by the root and the hair that grows back has a tapered end, making it appear normal.
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
No No No
Does hair really grow back thicker when you shave?
it doesnt affect the texture, but you feel it thicker because when you shave the hairs are cut straigt. But it does feel thicker.
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