when is my nephew's hair probably falling out so new hair can grow..? im just curious
he was born with really pinkish skin, but with brown hair... and doc sais hell probably be blonder due to his skin color... m just curious... how long does this temporary hair stay for?
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
You can never tell. It's not as if one day the baby goes to sleep with hair and the next day wakes up bold and the following with the new hair. It grows as it falls, just like your hair. You will probably notice the change in the color of the hair, if it was going to have blonde hair then you will see lighter golden color and if it's going to be darker than you will be see browny blackish hair! Don't be impatient and enjoy your nephew.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
My daughter never lost her hair. She was born with a full head of hair and it just kept growing. Seriously...NONE of it fell out!
So it might not ever happen...
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
Sometimes it sticks around and the change is so gradual you don't even notice.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
about 1-2 months. if you don't want it cut it off
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
never heard of such a thing ever in my life. I thought they kept the hair they had
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
By the time hes thre or four months it would have thinned from the original hair.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
he'll start losing his hair soon and then it depends how quick his other hair grows. Nobody knows.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
Happens with some but not all. Give the kid a break...he's only a day old!
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
ask your doctor
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
It's not temporary so much as your hair is temporary now. It may lighten or darken with time but there is no specific timeline. I have nephews/nieces who were pink when born but ended up with black hair.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
By three months he should have new growth. Baby hair will start falling out at 3-4 weeks - if not - it will probably stay. But the thing is - there no "answer" because every baby is unique. Doctor's aren't the expert when it comes to babies IMHO.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
does it matter if he has light skin and so he gets blonde hair or brown hair?
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
My 3 never lost their hair. It just grew.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
It is not an instant thing, it happens gradually. Most babies are born with a lot of body hair and over time they loose it
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
My son lost his hair in a few weeks - he was born with red peach fuzz that fell out and turned to light brown hair. He also had straight straight hair that is now curly!
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
Sometimes it never falls out. Often the back of their heads will lose the hair from laying down it kind of rubs away.
My kids never lost their hair. But They do change all throughout childhood.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
I have three children. All three lost hair at different times and hair growth is different with everybody. My daughter lost all her and it didn't grow back until she was two. Now she is 5 and her hair is to her butt and thick............don't worry.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
Not all babies lose their hair but most will around 6 months. My son was born with two-tone hair, red on top and blond on the sides. It fell out and came back platinum blond. That was many years ago. Now my little boy isn't so little anymore and has a two-tone beard: red side burns and blond for the rest.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
In a few weeks or a couple months most of the baby hairs are slowly starting to be replaced by new hairs. It takes a few months. Some times theres really not a difference in color.
Kids hair color changes until adulthood. Hormones are the main factor, decided by genetics.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
About 4 months, and the permanent hair grows over the next year.
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
usually it will start to change around 6 months for a lot of kids, but my nephew was born with dark hair, by 6 months it was bleach blonde and at 7 years it's starting to darken again
Baby born yesterday.. doctor said the hair he was born with was going to fall out and new would grow..but when
each baby is different, and sometimes you even would not notice it, as it happens at the same time
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