Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to make ur hair grow longer??

my hair is a little longer than my shoulders, wanna grow it longer, what makes it longer? plz help

How to make ur hair grow longer??

Vitamin e will do the trick. You can find it in fish and green vegetables. Or if you want to take vitamins. If you don't wont to do that then trim your ends every month and keep it well maintained and wash it every week. You cant go wrong with it.

How to make ur hair grow longer??

keep it trimmed and in a pony tail it still takes a while but it will grow faster

How to make ur hair grow longer??

you can brush it before you take a shower or bath and then when you get out comb it dont brush it just comb it and you could also take some vitamins

How to make ur hair grow longer??

don't cut it but get it trimmed a tiny bit bi-monthly, it keeps it healthy and healthy hair grows faster

How to make ur hair grow longer??

eat lots of protein - I'm a vegetarian but I get protein from soy beans, nuts and veggies and my hair grows faster than anyone I know.

How to make ur hair grow longer??

there is a hair product called shea butter, it works miracles, after i put a perm in my hair and my hair broke off into short patches, shea butter made my hair grow at least six inches in four months, shea butter runs for eight dollars at any beauty supply store or drug store.

How to make ur hair grow longer??

viatamins and speacial shampoo

How to make ur hair grow longer??

pre-natal vitamins are the best way to go about it. the other plus is they make your nails grow longer too! you don't need to be prego to take them either.

How to make ur hair grow longer??

cut 1/2 an inch every 3-4 months and it will keep it fresh looking while growing out.

How to make ur hair grow longer??

In addition to the bi-monthly trim you should use a really good deep conditioner, try not to use any heated styling appliences i.e., hair dryer, straightener, curling iron, after you wash it make sure you don't rub it with a towel just gently squeeze the excess water out of it with a towel. If you are in a car with the windows open or on a motorcycle or even on a very windy day make sure you have your hair up and under a hat to prevent damage and split ends. I have been growing my hair out for about 4 years and it is almost to my waist and I get complements on it all the time. If you take the time to care for it, it should be beautiful and long in no time.

How to make ur hair grow longer??

put oil and do braides

How to make ur hair grow longer??

keep the ends trimmed and take vitamins

How to make ur hair grow longer??

Wow if you are trying to grow your hair why would they tell you to keep it trimed that will onle keep the ends healthy it has nothing to do with root of the hair. Don't perm it or dye it or color it. If you have a perm already then get wash and sets for seven months without a perm seven months is the maxium that hair can stay with out a perm if was perviuosly permed. Condition your hair with a good protein treatment called Aphogee once a week and then use a garlic shampoo and conditioner when you go and get the wash and sets make sure that you go once a week because the water grows the hair and helps it grow faster. Go and oder this I will be odering this too because I am on my last bottle. It is called Avacore and HairGenesis. Then do like this for this month wash and sets and for next month cornrows and watch what happens. i can bet that your hair will be healthy and when this seven momths is over you clip your ends yourself because only you know how much you need off. While your hair is in the cornrows use a aloe vera plant to grease it and some Wild Grow never a grease and then when your hair is long where you want it to be never dye only rinse and if it does not work dont'; keep on trying that is just your hair rejecting it. and please just use Jet Black Rinse this is the most healthy thing on the planet. E-mail me and let me know what is going on

How to make ur hair grow longer??

Vitamins for hair growth


Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage


How to make ur hair grow longer??

Here's what you gotta do:

1. Get a vitamin E capsule (most of them comes in gel capsule form that has a liquid inside. Any brand will do.)

2. Get a needle and pop the capsule.

3. Now get your shampoo bottle and put the liquid vitamin E inside the bottle.

4. Mix the bottle.

5. Use your shampoo.

You'll notice that your hair will grow faster compared before. Trust me, this works. :) I also do this myself. :)

If you have virgin coconut oil at home, you can use this as well. Put it on hair and leave it for at least 30 minutes (You can do this at least 3x a day). Then rinse it off using your shampoo. The VCO can act as your hair lengthener and as your conditioner. :) Goodluck! :) (Refer to my avatar to see how well VCO/Vitamin E works =P)

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