Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

I know some women do but its mostly men

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

i wish i knew. i have hair everywhere but my head. i lost mine on my head back in 1973

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

it doesnt bother me anymore. i guess i have lots of testestrone. lol.i pay more attension whats going on inside my body, then the outside.thank you dear. Report It

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

I don't know but it looks bad when guys don't trim it. There is no excuse for that. You just get one of those nose/ear shavers and do it, weekly!

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

Its the Darwin theory of evolution still attached to men

The ape thing hair all over the place is where it all started remember

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

the testerone.

two-two has shared his answer.

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

its because of diffrent genetic codes and function of hormones.

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

I don't have any ear hair yet, but I've had a wee bit of hair in my beak. Just have to have a trim now and again.

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

Well they say after 40 they lose it from their heads and their noses and ears start to sprout like mad but don't ask me why!

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

Like you have a choice. It is messed up,you lose hair on top,and gain it in your ears and nose.personally i think the hair is still on your head,it just starts to grow in,instead of

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

it is batter to ask God why he craete human being with hair .

Why do men grow hair from their nose and ears?

coz u r a buch of monkeys! lol

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