I'm curious how hair knows how long it is. For example, hair on our head grows constantly, while hair on our arms/legs/armpits only grow to a short amount, yet if it's shaved it knows to grow back to that length. Does anyone know how hair knows how long it is and how it knows when it's been shaved?
How does hair know how long to grow?
its in your dna which is programmed by your genetics. it self repairs if cut or shaved as long as the roots arent damaged. damaging the roots is how laser hair removal and IPL etc work.
How does hair know how long to grow?
As long as you're personifying it, why don't you ask it and find out?
How does hair know how long to grow?
it just does
How does hair know how long to grow?
good question.
but think about it.
a cat or dog proably looks at us and thinks how weird we look becuase we have long hair on out head and like noone on the rest of our body
How does hair know how long to grow?
Hair on the head doesnt but hair on the skin?
i think it's heat. Hair traps in a considerable amount of heat, and when it is cut, then you get cold easier, therefore it grows. Thats also why people in colder climates seem harier
But this is all speculation, google it
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